We started doing some research on boat trips in False Bay, and we quickly discovered that all of the boats that go out to view breaching behavior also have cages for getting in the water with the Great Whites. Scott was on board with this idea right away… me, not so much! I told him I would be happy to go out on the boat, but that it was unlikely I’d be getting in the water! {And unlikely, in my mind, meant – NO WAY IN H3LL!} And I continued to say that right up until the night before the boat trip…
Finally we arrived at the waters surrounding Seal Island…
…and we began to keep our eyes peeled for any shark breaches. We were there in mid-September, which is the tail end of the high season, so we were well aware that we might not get lucky enough to see a shark breach, but we actually got lucky not once, but twice. It happens so fast that it’s over before you know it, but one of the other passengers on the boat managed to somehow catch a blurry photo of the second breach on my camera {which I had handed to her so she could take photos of us once we were in the water}.
I had used SCUBA equipment once before {when I did a guided dive on the Great Barrier Reef while studying abroad in Australia during college} but it still took me a little while to get comfortable with the regulator. If you’re not an experienced diver, your brain can fight hard against you when you try to breath underwater!
Soon after, a storm started to roll in and the water got quite rough, so the boat had to head back to the harbor a bit early. But we managed to catch one last photo of Seal Island – a wedding ring selfie. You can read all about our wedding ring selfie tradition in this post.
If you’ve always wanted to cage dive with sharks – do it! And if the idea of a shark cage dive terrifies you, then you can live vicariously through the video of our experience… and maybe, just maybe, it will even change your mind. Either way, here’s what you probably really want to see… the video! {The video has no sound}
Happy Shark Week! I for one will never watch another shark documentary the same way again!