It’s been mission paint organization around our house lately, and last week I showed you how we transferred all of our latex paint out of their rusting cans and into screw top plastic canisters with labels on top {read all about that here}. On those labels I noted the paint brand, paint color, and sheen, but I also wanted a way to track other details, like the paint color code and any other special instructions. And while I had all the paint cans open, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to create a quick and easy, portable paint deck.
So that’s our customized paint deck! Then there was the question of how to keep track of all the other paint details. I remember seeing a great printable that Jen, the genius behind the I Heart Organizing blog, had created last year when she tackled a similar paint organizing project. I figured why reinvent the wheel when Jen had already done the work of making such a pretty and functional paint reference chart.